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Invite a family

  • Sponsor a poor family for one Shabbos or for every Shabbos
  • Receive regular updates about the family you “host”
  • Choose a family similar to your own

Enjoy your Shabbos meal knowing that a poor family is doing the same thanks to your generosity!

Invite a Family

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to invite a poor family to your home to be your guests for all Shabbat meals? Though that would surely be both a great mitzvah and a rewarding experience, we realize that such an invitation would cause much embarrassment to needy families.

Now, through our unique program, you can invite a poor family for the entire Shabbat, with no extra work for you or embarrassment for them! By sponsoring a family’s Shabbat meals, you will actually be their host! It’s almost as if they are guests at your Shabbat table! What a beautiful way of inviting a poor family for Shabbat to be your guests!

It costs Tomche Shabbos approximately $50 per week to provide for a family. For $50 each week, YOU can merit providing a beautiful Shabbat for an entire family and having them as your guests!

We will assign a specific family to you, inform you of the particulars of the family, and keep you updated of events in their lives such as a Bar or Bat Mitzvah or other life-cycle events.

To arrange to sponsor a family for this and every Shabbos, please use the form above. 



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